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«European Geographical Studies» (Европейские географические исследования) – international scientific Journal.

E-ISSN 2413-7197

Периодичность – 1 раз в год.
Издается с 2014 года.

1 December 24, 2024


1. Elizbar Sh. Elizbarashvili, Otar Sh. Varazanashvili, Avtandil G. Amirananashvili, Mikhail G. Pipia
Estimation of the Maximum Possible Magnitude of Hurricanes on the Territory of Georgia

European Geographical Studies. 2024. 11(1): 3-8.
DOI: 10.13187/egs.2024.1.3CrossRef

Based on the data from the catalog of natural disasters in Georgia for the period 1961–2022, which we compiled, the maximum possible magnitudes of hurricanes in various geographical conditions of Georgia were estimated. Statistical methods for processing climatological data were used. The assessment of the maximum possible magnitude of hurricanes was made on the basis of an empirical probability curve showing the probability or probability of exceeding a given value among the total set of a series. A zoning map of the territory of Georgia by the maximum possible magnitudes of hurricanes was developed. There are two areas with the highest maximum magnitude reaching 6. These are the southern part of the Likhi Range in western Georgia and a small area of the flat part of Kvemo Kartli in eastern Georgia. In some areas, hurricanes with a magnitude of 5 and 5.5 are possible. In a significant part of the territory of Georgia, the maximum magnitude of hurricanes can reach 4.5.

URL: https://egs.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1738683132.pdf
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History of Science

2. Anvar M. Mamadaliev
The Biographical Portrait of Konstantin Ivanovich Arsenyev (1789–1865): A Historical Sketch Dedicated to the 235th Anniversary of His Birth

European Geographical Studies. 2024. 11(1): 9-17.
DOI: 10.13187/egs.2024.1.9CrossRef

This manuscript was made for the 235th anniversary of the Russian geographer, historian and statistician, academician, Privy councilor Konstantin Ivanovich Arsenyev (1789–1865). The materials were the works of the academician himself, as well as biographical works about him. The methodology consists of the method of historiographical and biographical analysis, the method of classification and the method of synthesis. Arsenyev is one of the creators of the Russian statistical system, on the basis of which he proposed to regionalize the territories of Russia for the most effective development of agriculture and industry. His course “Brief General Geography” has gone through 20 editions and has remained a textbook in various educational institutions for many decades. He also proved himself to be a talented historian, studying public administration during the reign of Mikhail Fedorovich, Peter II, Catherine I. Many archival documents were introduced into scientific circulation by Konstantin Ivanovich. Arsenyev's range of scientific interests was very wide – from geographical and economic statistics to the study of the state structure and administration of Russia and Ancient Greece, as well as biographical research. Therefore, it is quite fair to call Konstantin Ivanovich both an outstanding geographer and a talented historian and political scientist. In his writings, Arsenyev did not adhere to any side and did not use the definitions of “good” or “bad”, preferring to give the reader the opportunity to place the necessary accents himself. The scientist's scientific interests changed very much with age, but at the same time, his outstanding intelligence and memory allowed him to engage in very diverse research.

URL: https://egs.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1738683187.pdf
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3. Evgeniуa V. Kravtsova (Sinchina)
Pages from the Life of Alexey Andreevich Tillo (1839–1899): to the 185th Anniversary of the Outstanding Russian Geographer and Officer

European Geographical Studies. 2024. 11(1): 18-25.
DOI: 10.13187/egs.2024.1.18CrossRef

The presented article is dedicated to the 185th anniversary of the famous Russian geographer, surveyor, military topographer, Lieutenant General A.A. Tillo. The author examines and describes the main biographical aspects of his life. Attention is also paid to the personal characteristics of the outstanding scientist and officer. Fascinated by the acquisition of new knowledge since childhood, A.A. Tillo followed this interest throughout his entire life. Starting his career as a military officer at the Kyiv Cadet School, A.A. Tillo, thanks to his exceptional merits, achieved the rank of lieutenant general and was honored to become a member of the Governing Senate. Military service and scientific research went hand in hand in his life – this specificity is traced in the main part of the article. In addition, special attention is paid to the expeditions and scientific research of A.A. Tillo, their influence on the development of natural sciences, his most significant works are noted. As for the scientific interests of A.A. Tillo, they were quite extensive: astronomical observations and research, cartography, leveling, terrestrial magnetism, mathematical geodesy, hydrology, hypsometry, etc. A key role in the life of A.A. Tillo was played by his work in the Russian Geographical Society (RGS), which is discussed in detail in the article.

URL: https://egs.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1738683260.pdf
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URL: https://egs.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1738683280.pdf
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