Submitted Manuscripts
Le Hung Trinh
Received: 18.04.2016 ID: 9 Accepted
Application of Remote Sensing Technique to Detect Copper Mineral based Principal Component Analysis and Band Ratio Methods. A Case Study: Laocai Province, Vietnam
Received: 05.10.2015 ID: 7 Is under review
Received: 02.06.2015 ID: 5 Is under review
Ways of mitigating the results of expected disastrous drought
Received: 20.03.2015 ID: 4 Is under review
Flood Risk Reduction of Rupnarayana River, Towards Disaster Management –A Case Study at Bandar of Ghatal Block in Gangetic Delta
Received: 12.01.2015 ID: 2 Is under review
Name, last name: | Le Hung Trinh |
ID: | 3 |
Academic degree, academic title, academic interests: | Doctor, Le Quy Don Technical University, Hanoi, Vietnam Remote sensing, Geographical Information System (GIS) |
E-mail: | |
Received: 18.04.2016 ID: 9 Accepted
Vietnam is a country rich in mineral resources, including coal, copper, oil, natural gas... Coal reserves, located mainly in the Quang Ninh province, have been estimated at 8.6 billion tons. Besides the economic and social benefits, coal mining has negative impacts on the environment, such as air and water pollution. This article presents study on application of remote sensing technique to evaluate air pollution on the mining area of Quang Ninh province, the northeastern coast of Vietnam, using multispectral image LANDSAT 5 TM. The results which are obtained in this study can be used to create air quality map, and to reduce environmental impacts of mining.
АЭРОКОСМИЧЕСКИЕ МЕТОДЫ МОНИТОРИНГА ЗАГРЯЗНЕНИЯ ВОЗДУХА: НА ПРИМЕРЕ ПРОВИНЦИИ КУАНГ НИНЬ, ВЬЕТНАМ Вьетнам является страной, богатой минеральными ресурсами, в том числе уголь, медь, нефть и природный газ. Запасы угля, расположенные в основном на провинции Куанг Нин, были оценены в 8,6 млн тонн. Помимо экономических и социальных выгод, добыча угля оказывает негативное воздействие на окружающую среду, такие как загрязнение воздуха и воды. Данная работа посвящена проблеме мониторинга загрязнения воздуха на горной области провинции Куанг Нинь, на северо-восточном побережье Вьетнама по данным многозональной съемки LANDSAT 5 TM. Полученные результаты могут быть эффективно использованы для создания карты качества воздуха, а также для снижения воздействия добычи полезных ископаемых на окружающую среду.
Le Hung TrinhАЭРОКОСМИЧЕСКИЕ МЕТОДЫ МОНИТОРИНГА ЗАГРЯЗНЕНИЯ ВОЗДУХА: НА ПРИМЕРЕ ПРОВИНЦИИ КУАНГ НИНЬ, ВЬЕТНАМ Вьетнам является страной, богатой минеральными ресурсами, в том числе уголь, медь, нефть и природный газ. Запасы угля, расположенные в основном на провинции Куанг Нин, были оценены в 8,6 млн тонн. Помимо экономических и социальных выгод, добыча угля оказывает негативное воздействие на окружающую среду, такие как загрязнение воздуха и воды. Данная работа посвящена проблеме мониторинга загрязнения воздуха на горной области провинции Куанг Нинь, на северо-восточном побережье Вьетнама по данным многозональной съемки LANDSAT 5 TM. Полученные результаты могут быть эффективно использованы для создания карты качества воздуха, а также для снижения воздействия добычи полезных ископаемых на окружающую среду.
Name, last name: | Le Hung Trinh |
ID: | 3 |
Academic degree, academic title, academic interests: | Doctor, Le Quy Don Technical University, Hanoi, Vietnam Remote sensing, Geographical Information System (GIS) |
E-mail: | |
Application of Remote Sensing Technique to Detect Copper Mineral based Principal Component Analysis and Band Ratio Methods. A Case Study: Laocai Province, Vietnam
Received: 05.10.2015 ID: 7 Is under review
Application of Remote Sensing Technique to Detect Copper Mineral based Principal Component Analysis and Band Ratio Methods. A Case Study: Laocai Province, Vietnam
Remote sensing technology with advantages such as wide area coverage and short revisit interval has been used effectively in the study of mineral mining and exploration. This article presents study on application of principle component analysis and band ratio method to detect copper mineral using multispectral image LANDSAT 7 ETM+ in Laocai province, the Northern of Vietnam. The results which are obtained in this study can be used to create distribution copper map, and to serve mineral mining and exploration.
Аэрокосмические методы для обнаружения меди (на примере провинция ЛаоКай, Вьетнам) Методы дистанционного зондирования обладают рядом преимуществ по сравнению с традиционнмыи методами. Данная работа посвящена задаче обнаружения местороджения меди на основе методов главных компонент и деления изображения по данным многозональной съемки LANDSAT 7 ETM+, на примере: провинция ЛаоКай, Вьетнам. Полученные результаты могут эффективно использовать для создания карты распространения меди и для добычи и разведки полезных ископаемых.
Rüstü ILGARАэрокосмические методы для обнаружения меди (на примере провинция ЛаоКай, Вьетнам) Методы дистанционного зондирования обладают рядом преимуществ по сравнению с традиционнмыи методами. Данная работа посвящена задаче обнаружения местороджения меди на основе методов главных компонент и деления изображения по данным многозональной съемки LANDSAT 7 ETM+, на примере: провинция ЛаоКай, Вьетнам. Полученные результаты могут эффективно использовать для создания карты распространения меди и для добычи и разведки полезных ископаемых.
Name, last name: | Rüstü ILGAR |
ID: | 8 |
Academic degree, academic title, academic interests: | Associate Prof.Dr. |
E-mail: | |
Received: 02.06.2015 ID: 5 Is under review
This study is conducted to determine the amount of heavy metal in peaches which are grown in Umurbey lowland, Çanakkale. Samples, taken from the peaches which grow in different regions of Umurbey, are analysed in the Laboratory of Provincial Directorate of Food, Agriculture and Livestock of Çanakkale (Çanakkale İl Gıda Tarım ve Hayvancılık Genel Müdürlüğü Labaratuvarı) with method of wet decomposition by using Unicam 929 Atomic Absorption Spectrometer. As a result of the analyse, amount of six heavy metal, cadmium, aluminium, lead, zinc, copper, iron, manganese, and nickel in the peaches are determined.
Определение количества тяжелого металла в Персик , выращенных в UMURBEY , Западной Анатолии В этом исследовании ,Umurbey равнина, персик вырос в Дарданеллы было сделано, чтобы определить количество тяжелых металлов . Umurbey пробах персики , выращенные в разных регионах продовольствия, сельского хозяйства и животноводства провинции Чанаккале управления лабораторией анализа. Метод мокрого разложения с помощью Unicam 929 (провинция Чанаккале Генерального директората Продовольственной и сельскохозяйственной животных Lab Inc. ) атомно-абсорбционной спектрометрии . В результате сумма шести анализа на тяжелые металлы , персик, кадмий, алюминий , свинец, цинк , медь, железо , марганец, никель был определен. были сделаны Полученные в результате данные предложений.
Tsisana BasilashviliОпределение количества тяжелого металла в Персик , выращенных в UMURBEY , Западной Анатолии В этом исследовании ,Umurbey равнина, персик вырос в Дарданеллы было сделано, чтобы определить количество тяжелых металлов . Umurbey пробах персики , выращенные в разных регионах продовольствия, сельского хозяйства и животноводства провинции Чанаккале управления лабораторией анализа. Метод мокрого разложения с помощью Unicam 929 (провинция Чанаккале Генерального директората Продовольственной и сельскохозяйственной животных Lab Inc. ) атомно-абсорбционной спектрометрии . В результате сумма шести анализа на тяжелые металлы , персик, кадмий, алюминий , свинец, цинк , медь, железо , марганец, никель был определен. были сделаны Полученные в результате данные предложений.
Name, last name: | Tsisana Basilashvili |
ID: | 7 |
Academic degree, academic title, academic interests: | Dr.(Geography), Professor. Institute of Hydrometeorology at the Georgian Technical University, Tbilisi, Georgia. Hydrology, Meteorology, Ecology, Natural disasters, Forecasts |
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Ways of mitigating the results of expected disastrous drought
Received: 20.03.2015 ID: 4 Is under review
Ways of mitigating the results of expected disastrous drought
The reaction of arid regions on global warming and anticipated process of desertification in Eastern Georgia is investigated. The statistical qualities of the Alazani river are presented for the vegetation period (April - September) along with runoff norms for hydrological section serving main irrigation systems. By using their dynamics through years the trands and tendencies of the changes have been identified. The figures are of scientific value and can by used indesigning and economic organizations for calculating water resources.
By applying multifactorial model forecasting equations have been worked out for the Alazani water flow for the whole vegetation period as well as for individual quarters. The long-term prognosis allow rational and through planning of water resources utilization. Due to the warming trend, water evaporation will increase and the river flow will decrease, which will ultimately lead to the lack of water supply in irrigation period in summer. For the aim of mitigation of negative consequences of drought, a set of measures is recommended.
Пути смягчения результатов ожидаемых катастрофических засух Исследована реакция климата засушливых районов Восточной Грузии на глобальное потепление. Даны статистические характеристики стока воды реки Алазани за период вегетации (апрель-сентябрь). На основе многолетней динамики установлены тенденции их изменения и определены соответствующие тренды. Эти данные имеют практическое назначение для водохозяйственных расчётов. С использованием многофакторной статистической модели получены уравнения для прогнозирования стока р. Алазани за период вегетации и отдельных кварталов. Такими долгосрочными прогнозами возможно основательное планирование рационального использования водных ресурсов реки. В результате текущего потепления климата увеличится испарение, уменьшится сток воды, и река уже не сможет обеспечить водопотребность оросительных систем в период активного орошения растений. В целях смягчения негативных результатов от ожидаемых засух рекомендованы комплекс разных мероприятий.
biplab dasПути смягчения результатов ожидаемых катастрофических засух Исследована реакция климата засушливых районов Восточной Грузии на глобальное потепление. Даны статистические характеристики стока воды реки Алазани за период вегетации (апрель-сентябрь). На основе многолетней динамики установлены тенденции их изменения и определены соответствующие тренды. Эти данные имеют практическое назначение для водохозяйственных расчётов. С использованием многофакторной статистической модели получены уравнения для прогнозирования стока р. Алазани за период вегетации и отдельных кварталов. Такими долгосрочными прогнозами возможно основательное планирование рационального использования водных ресурсов реки. В результате текущего потепления климата увеличится испарение, уменьшится сток воды, и река уже не сможет обеспечить водопотребность оросительных систем в период активного орошения растений. В целях смягчения негативных результатов от ожидаемых засух рекомендованы комплекс разных мероприятий.
Name, last name: | biplab das |
ID: | 4 |
Academic degree, academic title, academic interests: | phd(continue).IIEST,Shibpur,India.river and environmental geography |
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Flood Risk Reduction of Rupnarayana River, Towards Disaster Management –A Case Study at Bandar of Ghatal Block in Gangetic Delta
Received: 12.01.2015 ID: 2 Is under review
Flood Risk Reduction of Rupnarayana River, Towards Disaster Management –A Case Study at Bandar of Ghatal Block in Gangetic Delta
The paper discussed the present state of flood at a junction point between two rivers at Bandar of Ghatal block in Gangetic delta and proposed a technological solution to reduced vulnerability of flood.While annual floods have the potential to wreak havoc on unprepared communities, spoil crops and endanger food security, they also play a vital role in agriculture. Flood Management and Mitigation is designed to minimize negative flood-related impacts while preserving the benefits. flood mitigation involves the managing and control of flood water movement, such as redirecting flood run-off through the use of floodwalls and flood gates, rather than trying to prevent floods altogether. It also involves the management of people, through measures such as evacuation and dry/wet proofing properties for example. The prevention and mitigation of flooding can be studied on a number of levels: individual properties, small communities and whole area or towns or cities. The costs of protection rise as more people and property are protected. The most effective way of reducing the risk to people and property is through the production of flood risk maps. Most countries in the developed world will have produced maps which show areas prone to flooding events of known return periods. By identified areas of known flood risk, the most sustainable way of reducing risk is to prevent further development in those known flood risk areas. It is important for at-risk communities to develop a comprehensive Floodplain Management plan. Those communities that participate in the National Flood Insurance Program must agree to regulate development in the most flood prone areas. Communities should assign a floodplain administrator to oversee the management of the floodplain development permit process. Reduction of erosion hazard we can use by MZWA (Mapping and zoning of watershed area), RZB (Restricted Zone of Build up), various soft engineering techniques and other necessary methods without any negative impacts of natural resources.
Flood Risk Reduction of Rupnarayana River, Towards Disaster Management –A Case Study at Bandar of Ghatal Block in Gangetic Delta The paper discussed the present state of flood at a junction point between two rivers at Bandar of Ghatal block in Gangetic delta and proposed a technological solution to reduced vulnerability of flood.While annual floods have the potential to wreak havoc on unprepared communities, spoil crops and endanger food security, they also play a vital role in agriculture. Flood Management and Mitigation is designed to minimize negative flood-related impacts while preserving the benefits. flood mitigation involves the managing and control of flood water movement, such as redirecting flood run-off through the use of floodwalls and flood gates, rather than trying to prevent floods altogether. It also involves the management of people, through measures such as evacuation and dry/wet proofing properties for example. The prevention and mitigation of flooding can be studied on a number of levels: individual properties, small communities and whole area or towns or cities. The costs of protection rise as more people and property are protected. The most effective way of reducing the risk to people and property is through the production of flood risk maps. Most countries in the developed world will have produced maps which show areas prone to flooding events of known return periods. By identified areas of known flood risk, the most sustainable way of reducing risk is to prevent further development in those known flood risk areas. It is important for at-risk communities to develop a comprehensive Floodplain Management plan. Those communities that participate in the National Flood Insurance Program must agree to regulate development in the most flood prone areas. Communities should assign a floodplain administrator to oversee the management of the floodplain development permit process. Reduction of erosion hazard we can use by MZWA (Mapping and zoning of watershed area), RZB (Restricted Zone of Build up), various soft engineering techniques and other necessary methods without any negative impacts of natural resources.
Flood Risk Reduction of Rupnarayana River, Towards Disaster Management –A Case Study at Bandar of Ghatal Block in Gangetic Delta The paper discussed the present state of flood at a junction point between two rivers at Bandar of Ghatal block in Gangetic delta and proposed a technological solution to reduced vulnerability of flood.While annual floods have the potential to wreak havoc on unprepared communities, spoil crops and endanger food security, they also play a vital role in agriculture. Flood Management and Mitigation is designed to minimize negative flood-related impacts while preserving the benefits. flood mitigation involves the managing and control of flood water movement, such as redirecting flood run-off through the use of floodwalls and flood gates, rather than trying to prevent floods altogether. It also involves the management of people, through measures such as evacuation and dry/wet proofing properties for example. The prevention and mitigation of flooding can be studied on a number of levels: individual properties, small communities and whole area or towns or cities. The costs of protection rise as more people and property are protected. The most effective way of reducing the risk to people and property is through the production of flood risk maps. Most countries in the developed world will have produced maps which show areas prone to flooding events of known return periods. By identified areas of known flood risk, the most sustainable way of reducing risk is to prevent further development in those known flood risk areas. It is important for at-risk communities to develop a comprehensive Floodplain Management plan. Those communities that participate in the National Flood Insurance Program must agree to regulate development in the most flood prone areas. Communities should assign a floodplain administrator to oversee the management of the floodplain development permit process. Reduction of erosion hazard we can use by MZWA (Mapping and zoning of watershed area), RZB (Restricted Zone of Build up), various soft engineering techniques and other necessary methods without any negative impacts of natural resources.